Nearly 90% of all online searches are conducted through Google, which means it is important to follow their guidelines and principles for search engine optimization.

Google’s basic standards for SEO include:

  • Design, write and produce web pages to benefit the end-user, not just the search engines
  • Use honest marketing tactics, avoiding deceiving content or spam
  • Avoid using tricks that will boost your ranking, but appear unhelpful to users
  • Place an emphasis on what makes your attorney website engaging, valuable, and unique

Do not:

  • Use automatically generated content on your website
  • Participate in link schemes
  • Create pages with duplicate content
  • Cloak content so search engines see content that is different than what viewers will experience
  • Hide text or links
  • Add doorway pages that create higher rankings for specific searches

Guidelines for Representing Your Law Firm on Google

Reaching your local clients is an integral part of your law firm’s success. If your attorney group does not already have a Google My Business listing, get one.
Google’s guidelines govern how these listings are created and managed, including these basic principles:

  • Your law firm must have a physical address that serves clients face to face
  • Your law firm’s name, address, phone number, website, practice areas, and business hours must all be represented accurately and honestly in your listing

Do not:

  • Create Google My Business listings for law firms that are not eligible or for non-existent addresses
  • Misrepresent core practice area information with geographic or legal service keywords
  • Use PO boxes or virtual offices instead of authentic street addresses
  • Post fake positive reviews for your law firm, or negative reviews of competing for law firms

Reviewing and following Google’s guidelines will keep your law firm from making costly mistakes that negatively impact your law firm’s search ranking.

How Do Search Engines Work Google Webmaster Guidelines Keyword Research for Lawyers Content Creation for Lawyers Technical SEO for Lawyers Link Building for Lawyers

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