Link Building & Establishing Authority

Link Building & Establishing Authority
You have valuable content. Your attorney website is optimized. Now it is time to outrank your competitors by establishing authority.

That can be accomplished by earning links from respected and trustworthy websites, building your brand, and nurturing your target audience, so they will help share your content, services, and expertise.

Google has confirmed that links and quality content are two of the three most important ranking factors for SEO. Authoritative websites link to other trustworthy websites, which gives both parties the credibility they need to rank highly with Google. So, how do you make it happen?

Link Building

No matter what you call them, inbound links, backlinks, or external links, they are HTML hyperlinks that point from one website to another. In essence, these links serve as popularity votes that emphasize the importance of a website.

Internal links, which link from one of your website pages to another – say from your home page to your attorney profile page – work very much in the same way. Internal links that point to a particular page on your website will provide a signal to Google that the page is important.

Relevant Links From Similar Websites

When link building is part of your online marketing efforts, it is better to include links from websites whose information is relevant to your website.

For instance, if you are a divorce attorney who represents parents seeking child support in Los Angeles, linking to Los Angeles Child Support Services is relevant to your practice area content, and it is a trusted .gov link that Google finds very valuable.

Conversely, links from irrelevant sources can send confusing signals to search engines, thereby harming your ranking.

Anchor Text Is Your Link To Successful Indexing

Anchor text shows Google exactly what you have to offer when the crawlers are seeking the best information to return to someone who is looking for an attorney.

It is important, however, to use varying keywords to differentiate your content. Too many backlinks with the same anchor text could signal that you are trying to manipulate the search engine rankings.

Simply put, the same description over and over from multiple sources will look suspicious and appear as spam.

Link To Your Involvement In The Local Community

More and more, people who need a lawyer are asking “why” they should choose one law firm over the other. Social involvement is a high-ranking reason for choosing service providers, and your firm’s involvement in the community is a great way to let prospective clients know you care what happens in your city, county, or state.

In addition, community outreach can result in some of the most valuable and influential links available on the internet.

Here are a few ways to cement your law firm’s commitment to the community:

  • Engage scholarships and sponsorships
  • Host or participate in community events, seminars, workshops, and organizations
  • Donate to worthy local causes
  • Join local business associations
  • Offer internships
  • Promote local programs

Developing real-world relationships with other local businesses will allow your law firm to help improve the health of your neighborhood and its local economy. Ans becoming a trusted partner in your community will go a long way in promoting your attorney brand while allowing your firm to stay top of mind for those who need your services.

How Do Search Engines Work Google Webmaster Guidelines Keyword Research for Lawyers Content Creation for Lawyers Technical SEO for Lawyers Link Building for Lawyers