Scorpion Design Review

Are you considering Scorpion Design to improve your online attorney marketing and grow your law firm? Scorpion Design is an SEO agency many attorneys and businesses hire when they find themselves asking: How can I increase clientele? And how can I do this in a fast and effective way? SEO agencies perform complex work for their clients to receive effective results, however, this is only possible when hiring the correct agency. Read this article if you are skeptical about hiring Scorpion Design after reading their contradicting reviews and if you are considering alternate SEO agencies that would best fit you and your law firm’s needs.

The Importance of Choosing the Right SEO Agency

As virtual resources become more prevalent, lawyers and attorneys should expect to receive a number of visitors on their law firm’s website, which ultimately leads to more clients. It is important to have a website that is user-friendly, unique, and reaches the top pages on search engines. This requires years of experience, marketing creativity, and advanced technical skills. Nevertheless, none of this will matter if you do not choose the right marketing agency. Attorney Marketing Network and Scorpion are both companies that build website design and improve marketing strategies. In comparison, the two companies operate differently and have different motives.

Attorney Marketing Network vs Scorpion Design Marketing

Attorney Marketing Network vs Scorpion Design Marketing

Scorpion design is a digital marketing agency that offers services to many different industries, including attorneys and lawyers. They provide clients with their own design at a costly price.

Attorney Marketing Network is an online marketing agency that provides lawyers and attorneys with website creation and online marketing strategies. We create, maintain, and update websites specifically for attorneys and determine a cost based on their marketing and website needs.

AMN and Scorpion Similarities

AMN and Scorpion are both online marketing agencies that provide clients with the necessary tools to enhance their websites and increase clientele. They perform the following duties:

  • Website design
  • Review management
  • Create website content
  • Generate leads
  • Increase clientele
  • Monitor marketing insights
  • Search engine optimization

AMN and Scorpion Comparison

Although AMN and Scorpion Design are both online marketing agencies, they differ greatly in several areas. Continue to read further if you are interested in how AMN and Scorpion differ in the following areas:

  • Reviews
  • Client Relationship
  • Exclusivity
  • Adaptability
  • Software & Website Ownership
  • Website Performance
  • Website Design
  • Costs

AMN vs Scorpion Reviews

When searching which Local SEO agency would be best for your law firm’s growth, the most reliable resource that is available to help you make a decision is Google. Google is a powerful tool when it comes to decision-making. You can review what clients have concluded about a company based on the service they have already been provided with. Let’s take a look at the reviews Scorpion Design and Attorney Marketing Network have received thus far.

Attorney Marketing Network’s Google reviews are outstanding. AMN currently has a 5-star rating. There are 22 reviews that are all positive and recognize the successful results AMN has brought them. Clients report how AMN has transformed their website and their law firm’s marketing strategies, “doubling” their caseload and expanding their law firm. Here is another example of what an AMN client had to say about the services they received.

Scorpion Design has over 100 reviews, all of which are a mix between satisfied and dissatisfied customers. A majority of negative reviews explain they were dissatisfied because of how costly their experience turned out to be, with little to no results. Former Scorpion clients explain their experience with the agency was “nothing but headaches and disappointment” with “hundreds of dollars spent each month to get nowhere.” Furthermore, attorneys mention the challenge of working with Scorpion because they have local attorney competitors as clients, suggesting Scorpion is “loyal to the law firm who pays the highest fee.” In addition to this, several clients expressed their dissatisfaction with Scorpion Design on Yelp Reviews. The following reviews explain client experiences while working with Scorpion Design:

Scorpion vs AMN Client Relationship 

Scorpion offers web design and monitorization to several industries. They have a wide range of clientele including:

  • Law firms
  • Home appliance businesses
  • Dentists
  • Small and large businesses

Scorpion is capable of designing websites for many different businesses in the industry. Their company consists of hundreds of different employees who specialize in website building and designing. Because employees focus more on website design instead of specific expertise, the quality of the content generally decreases. Employees work with industries they may not be familiar with, which is crucial when marketing a business. Your marketing agency should be knowledgeable about the material regarding the industry you are in for quality content and services.

Scorpion employees work with hundreds of different clients, minimizing the time spent on website design and client relationships. They are overloaded with clients and website tasks and are unable to focus intently on a specific amount of clients, resulting in minimal communication and effort. While improving a product as meaningful as a website, it is important to work closely with the SEO team to ensure your law firm’s goals and needs are met. Scorpion Design has hundreds of employees and there is no telling who you will be working with or how knowledgeable they are. If a problem arises you may have to jump through hoops to get it resolved. On the other hand, AMN clients work directly with the founders and communicate with each other as often as needed.

Attorney Marketing Network creates, maintains, and monitors websites specifically for attorneys and lawyers only. Our clientele includes:

AMN primarily focuses on attorneys and lawyers and their websites. We acknowledge how important content and optimization strategies are for attorney websites. For this reason, we hone in on quality content, tools, and strategies that will improve the business of your law firm overall. AMN is skillful and knowledgeable about what an attorney website needs to reach its targeted audience, and what it takes to get their website on the first pages of search engines. We have over 13 years of experience working with attorneys and lawyers and are attentive to what works best for this expertise.

Our clients work closely with our founders to ensure their websites are well-maintained and up-to-date. Throughout your partnership with AMN, the founders will remain involved with you and your law firm to communicate any concerns, questions, requests, and updates. AMN clients do not work with staff whom they never speak with. Instead, they communicate directly with the founders.

Scorpion vs AMN Exclusivity 

As previously mentioned, Scorpion has hundreds and thousands of clients, each in different industries and they do not offer exclusivity. They do not consider your competitors, and may very much be building a website for law firms in your region as well. With how large Scorpion is, it is inevitable for you and your competitors to be working with the same marketing agency, receiving the same marketing strategies. So, how can your law firm beat its competitor’s online marketing? AMN knows just the trick.

Attorney Marketing Network provides clients with a unique partnership by working exclusively with attorneys based on their location. By offering exclusivity, your firm would be the only law firm in your region receiving online marketing service from AMN. Therefore, your website would be uniquely created, maintained, and improved to generate leads and increase clientele in your area. This separates you from your competitors and earns you a spot on top search engine pages.

AMN vs Scorpion Adaptability & SEO

AMN works closely with their clients to increase leads and conversions, and improve content and visibility. If the agency is unable to follow and adapt to Google’s algorithm, the time, money and effort put into the creativity and structure of the website will become insignificant. AMN ensures they have a limited number of clients to allow them to swiftly stay consistent and ahead of Google’s algorithm. We can keep client websites up-to-date while monitoring Google’s algorithm.

To keep up with Google’s algorithm, your law firm website will need a strong search engine optimization team. This will allow you to reach the top pages on Google in a creditable way. AMN focuses on organic rankings contrary to Scorpion, which uses paid advertisements. With AMN’s search engine optimization strategies, your law firm will increase organic rankings on Google and increase website traffic.

Scorpion is unable to monitor and adjust to Google’s algorithm because of the vast amount of clients they have. The Scorpion team has many clients, with different demands, making it nearly impossible to stay ahead of Google’s algorithm. Investing in an online marketing agency that can identify algorithm changes is crucial for building your law firm’s business and maintaining the presence of your website on the first pages of search engines. Scorpion Design also resorts to paid advertisements to increase traffic, which isn’t viewed as a credible source by the public.

Scorpion vs AMN Software & Website Ownership 

Because of the software that Scorpion uses, clients are unable to take ownership of their website. This can cause issues if the client were to decide to discontinue their business with Scorpion, or move on to another agency and can result in the complete loss of their website.

AMN, however, allows its clients to own their websites with advanced SEO and marketing strategies while reaching their targeted audience. We utilize software known as WordPress to build websites. WordPress is convenient, secure, and allows users to build credibility. Transitioning to another agency would be simple if this were to occur.

Scorpion vs AMN Website Performance

Website performance will support the experience of searchers who click on your website. A website that performs slowly will discourage users and potential clients. Scorpion has failed to provide their clients with websites that have speedy results. Slow responding websites will result in dissatisfied users, and potential clients turn into lost opportunities. Let’s review their clients’ websites, and how responsive they are for both mobile and desktop users.




It is evident websites created by Scorpion perform on the lower end of the scale, decreasing the amount of traffic their clients have on their websites. Increase traffic on your attorney website by providing users with a fast-performing website, and convert potential clients to real clients.

At Attorney Marketing Network, we ensure our client’s websites have a rapid response, giving users a great experience, quickly providing them with page results that encourage them to move forward with the process of becoming a client. Websites that are fast responding and user-friendly are crucial when trying to reach potential clients. Here is an example of AMN client performance websites:


Scorpion vs AMN Website Design 

Scorpion has thousands of clients demanding a unique web design. Staff and team members are working quickly, instead of carefully when designing websites due to the line of clients they take on. The company uses its proprietary content, eliminating the option of a unique web design, and providing clients with a design that may seem exaggerated to the public. Let’s take a look at a few of their attorney website designs.


At Attorney Marketing Network, the founders work closely with clients to create a web design that meets their client’s needs and expectations. We provide our clients with a sleek and engaging website design that is speedy and efficient. Let’s review attorney website designs that were created by AMN with their simple, yet eye-capturing templates and designs.


AMN vs Scorpion Costs 

Hiring an SEO company to enhance your law firm’s website and marketing strategies can be a costly investment. However, investing in an online marketing agency could become a valuable source to your law firm’s growth if you hire the right company. The right online marketing agency will:

  • Increase traffic
  • Improve visibility
  • Reach your targeted audience
  • Convert clients
  • Measure analytics
  • Build your practice

Assuredly, if the marketing agency you hire perfects these factors, the money spent will be worth it. Scorpion charges their clients on the higher end of the scale and doesn’t always own up to their expectations. Their reviews reveal unkept promises that are extremely costly.

At Attorney Marketing Network, we determine a cost based on the services we provide you with and work tirelessly to enhance your website to grow your law firm.

Deciding Between Attorney Marketing Network and Scorpion Design

Deciding on the right marketing agency is challenging, and can greatly benefit your law firm. On the other hand, it can result in an expensive failed attempt. Now that we have reviewed what both agencies have to offer, hopefully, you can determine which agency would best fit your online marketing needs for your law firm. If you are interested in an agency that has years of experience in online marketing for lawyers and attorneys that can generate leads and convert clients by creating and optimizing your website, consider a free analysis from Attorney Marketing Network.